This is a future project of pmStation, dedicated to online buying and selling new and used cars. It is global web site, adjustable for each region individually, which provides an opportunity to place advertisement with your car offer or search through large ads database to pick a car, which perfectly meets all your criteria. Similar to other pmStation projects, this web application has very friendly and intuitive design and powerful capabilities, like advanced search, pricing statistics, local settings, useful tips and other features.
It is going to be a convenient way to buy or sell a car almost in every country of the world.
Autosell is currently being developed by the part of pmStation team. Watch for latest news and releases.
The idea of this project is to make an integral system for buying and selling new and used cars in Internet. The site is featuring ads database, advanced search engine, which may help visitors, who is looking for a car, to pick variants by different criteria, like brand, price, model, year of manufacturing, color and other parameters. Also visitors can add car offers both used and new in different categories.
This service is introducing a wide selection of cars from almost all countries of the world, so you can find whatever you need in every single point of the planet. Simple and useful interface is designed to give users absolute control of the buying process and make finding a vehicle that meets your personal needs fast, easy and productive as never before.
Also we plan to include in project various additional features, like car reviews, safety reports, pricing statistics, automobile news, cars comparison, etc, configured and automatically selected to correspond to current country and region.
And all these stuff is encapsulated in one smart and extremely friendly web application, which is typical for pmStation. Autosell is useful not only for people who are searching for used cars, but it may also be of great help in buying a brand new car from your local reseller, because our service will maintain an advertisement program for car traders, so ads and pricing for new cars may also be included.
This project is currently in stage of development. We hope that as soon as it will be released, it will become one of the largest global car sales places in Internet and earn large online audience of car buyers all over the world.